Community College of Qatar


Welcome to Community College of Qatar
Admission Requirement
A comprehensive community college
system, CCQ offers many programs
designed to meet the needs of Qatari
students according to their
backgrounds and interests. As an open
admissions two-year lower-division
undergraduate institution, CCQ has an
open door admissions policy;
all individuals who have at least one of
the following qualifications are welcome
to enroll:
1 Diploma from accredited high school
2 College-level hours earned at other accredited colleges/universities
3 Have a satisfactory passing score on one of the standard placement tests
Admission to CCQ does not guarantee admission to all programs. Based upon their assessment results and program objectives, students may be admitted conditionally and required to take developmental and/or prerequisite courses. In addition, special admissions requirements have been established for programs which require that students possess previously learned skills and knowledge. Applicants may obtain additional admission information from the Office of Student Records, counselors, and campus offices.